On Page SEO Checklist

Note:  Content Always follows to E-E-A-T

  • Focus Keyword use in the URL
  • Focus Keyword in the SEO Title
  • Focus Keyword use inside SEO Meta Description
  • Focus Keyword appears in the first paragraph of the content
  • Focus Keyword in the content
  • Content will up to 2000 words long as per demand
  • Use Focus Keywords in Sub-Heading
  • Use the internal link [ DoFollow ]  up to 2-3
  • Use External link [ NoFollow ] in content up to 1-2

Keep in mind:

  • Never give backlinks to your competitors. (Same niche)
  • Never give backlinks to similar posts
  • Never give backlinks on main keywords

How to give an external link:

  • Always give nofollow backlinks
  • Always try to give one backlink or a maximum is 3. (1-3)
  • Big & Relevant site
  • Popular site
  • Trustworthy site
  • Link to some study or research
  • Link to authentic data sources
  • SEO title will be positive or a negative sentiment (if possible)
  • Use Call to Action in the meta description. Like – Read more…, Buy Now, Learn more or download.. “Depends on user search intention”.
  • Readability: Use bullet points, numbered lists, categories, sections, headings and subheadings to organise your text. Be sure to write in an understandable, clear, and brief manner. Always remember “Quality over Quantity”
  • Use to image or Video

Image optimization: 

Create table:- 

  • File name:  The name of the media file
  • File type: Type of media file
  • File size: The file size of the media file
  • Artist:  Singer, composer or producer of this media.
  • Album: Album title that includes this media.
  • Uploaded on – The date when the media file was uploaded
  • Uploaded by – an author who uploaded the Media.


  • Dimensions: (Image files only) The dimensions of image media. (if required)
  • Caption: A brief explanation of the media.
  • Description: An explanation of this particular media.
  • File URL: Read-only display of a direct link to the media file. (if required)
  • Alt Text:  The alt text for the image, e.g. “APJ Abdul Kalam” to describe the image. Used for accessibility.
  • File URL: (Download button) Read-only display of a direct link to the media file.
  • Copy URL to clipboard: Click to copy the URL of the file into the clipboard.

PDF Optimization

Create table:- 

  • Create table: File name, Size, Type, Singer, Writer etc.
  • File name:  The name of the media file
  • File type: Type of media file
  • File size: The file size of the media file
  • Artist:  Singer, composer or producer of this media.
  • Album: Album title that includes this media.
  • Uploaded on – The date when the media file was uploaded
  • Uploaded by – an author who uploaded the Media.


  • Dimensions: (Image files only) The dimensions of image media. (if required)
  • Caption: A brief explanation of the media.
  • Description: An explanation of this particular media.
  • File URL: Read-only display of a direct link to the media file. (if required)
  • Copy URL to clipboard: Click to copy the URL of the file into the clipboard.(if required)

MP3 Optimization

Create table:- 

  • File name:  The name of the media file
  • File type: Type of media file
  • File size: The file size of the media file
  • Artist:  Singer, composer or producer of this media.
  • Album: Album title that includes this media.
  • Uploaded on – The date when the media file was uploaded
  • Uploaded by – an author who uploaded the Media.


  • Dimensions: (Image files only) The dimensions of image media. (if required)
  • Caption: A brief explanation of the media.
  • Description: An explanation of this particular media.
  • File URL: Read-only display of a direct link to the media file. (if required)
  • Copy URL to clipboard: Click to copy the URL of the file into the clipboard.(if required)

Canonical Tag

जब एक ही कंटेंट आपकी वेबसाइट पर विभिन्न URL के माध्यम से एक्सेस की जा सकती है, तो सर्च इंजन यह तय करने में मुश्किल का सामना कर सकता है कि किस पेज को रैंक करना चाहिए। इस स्थिति में, कैनोनिकल टैग का उपयोग किया जाता है ताकि सर्च इंजन को यह बताया जा सके कि कौन सा URL “मूल” है और उसे प्राथमिकता दी जानी चाहिए।

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