Our company pays special attention to customer satisfaction and we strive to work with you clearly and freely. Under our Refund Policy, we will provide you the facility of refund only in the following situations:

For mobile application or web development:

If you place a request or order with us and a problem arises thereafter, you will be given a full refund as per the basis.

For digital marketing, search engine optimization, content writing, and social media marketing:

If you have any dissatisfaction with our services and you have made full payment for the service, you will be given a refund as per the same proof.

Please note that under our Refund Policy, refunds will be available only under the following circumstances:

Regarding issue within the first 15 days of usage of the services.
Refunds will be made only after completion of payment for the services provided by us.
If you have any issues with any of our services, please contact us. We will look at possible solutions to solve your problem.

If you have any questions about our refund policy, please contact us. We are here to help you.